PDF Pre and Perinatal Massage Therapy A Comprehensive Guide to Prenatal Labor and Postpartum Practice 2nd Edition LWW Massage Therapy and Bodywork Educational Series 9781582558516 Medicine Health Science Books
PDF Pre and Perinatal Massage Therapy A Comprehensive Guide to Prenatal Labor and Postpartum Practice 2nd Edition LWW Massage Therapy and Bodywork Educational Series 9781582558516 Medicine Health Science Books

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Pre and Perinatal Massage Therapy A Comprehensive Guide to Prenatal Labor and Postpartum Practice 2nd Edition LWW Massage Therapy and Bodywork Educational Series 9781582558516 Medicine Health Science Books Reviews
- My words cannot adaquately describe the gratitude I feel to Carole for writing this book. As someone who is passionate about prenatal massage, I think I have read every pregnancy massage book on the market (in addition to taking several prenatal massage courses). This edition of her "Pre and Perinatal Massage Therapy" book goes FAR, FAR beyond any other book I have read! Osborne is detailed and thorough in the important background education a therapist needs in order to understand the pregnancy journey for normal and special needs moms. Additionally, I was amazed to find most of the massage techniques she teaches in her hands-on classes described in stroke-by-stroke detail.
I am a therapist who has an ethical problem with non pregnancy certified therapists offering pregnancy massage for many reasons I will not go into here. However, after reading this book, I now believe a non-certified therapist who follows all the instructions in this amazing book, (and lots of practice), could safely and successfully provide mom and her precious baby a great massage.
This book is a MUST for both the novice and well-seasoned prenatal massage therapist... - Good info. Some info is repetitive but overall well written. Online resources don̢۪t exist so that̢۪s the biggest con about this book.
- This is a wonderful book for anyone who works with pregnant women or women in labor. I especially love the sympathetic sedation technique using 2 fingers and stroking downward along the woman's back. It is very effective at calming a woman, allowing rest and during active labor it helps soothe a woman and helps release fear. This book is top notch.
- Thanks
- A very comprehensive text on pregnancy massage. Includes access to online videos that are really helpful as well.
- Wonderful. Highly recommend for anyone doing Pregnancy Massage
- A litte technical to read bit gets the point across.
- As a Certified Bodyworker for the Childbearing Cycle in NYC and NJ, I've found this book to be an invaluable guide. Especially important for Licensed Massage Therapist who work with this population. If you'd like to know more, feel free to find me on Facebook. Pamela Olsen, LMT, CCBC
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